Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Getting my terrain on

For what seems like forever, i've been working through the Sector Mechanicus scenery.

The first furnace is finished and the recipe for weathering the walkways is settled on with a 1/3 of them done. The rest are close to being finished. The Dark Uprising boxset is still on the sprue and there's loads of stanchions, barricades, pipes etc still to do .. but best not think about that right now!

Slowly but surely ..

Pretty happy with this! (click here for a painting guide)

Rusted up walkways

A snippet of what's to come


  1. Mate this looks amazing. The weathering on that barricade is ace too.

  2. It can be pretty daunting working through all that scenery but you've done a bang up job of these, great work fella!

    1. Thanks mate! I'm getting all zen about it now. It will happen when it happens, just keep chipping away at it.
