Sunday, 7 July 2019

Battle Report

I haven't had much hobby time recently for an update, so here's a few pics of a skirmish I had with my mate, Boris, from a few months back. This was actually our first game of new Necromunda and Dave's Gang's first outing - cutting their teeth against The Royals, a bunch of roided up Goliaths. 1750 point a piece - lots of boys and lots of toys!

The scene was set - an old factory surrounded by shanty shacks and old watch towers:

A mixture of GW Sector kit, various lazy man's pre-done stuff and a battle mat

Round 1

Dave and the guys (playing count as Orlocks) took the tactical decision to totally hide and run away as The Royal's, under the cover of smoke nades, rushed forward along what became known as ..

It's a  sobering sight seeing this come at you!

.. the 'road of death'. 

I see you!

This culminated in a massive street fight with the only thing saving Dave and the guys being some comically timed, mass smoke dissipation that left The Royal's leader and champion out in the open. Loads down on both sides, still working out the rules and with a new found respect for Heavy Bolters, we decided to call it a draw. Notable mention of Boris' Renderizer wielding champ who chased Donny around Benny Hill style for 3 turns!

Round 2 

This one played out very differently, with pretty much everyone up on the factory walkways. There was lots of hiding and peaking out of cover and nades flying about. While the first game was an immediate and drawn out exchange of shooting punctuated by melee, this was a gradual, tense build up of not much followed by two turns of total carnage! Again it was close. Spike and Moobs got very lucky with some sawn-off shotgun action and Boris was unlucky with his nade launcher.

In the end it all come down to a couple of krak grenades and Boxer rushing in like a total star and getting the final kill. The guy's done good! 

Dave, like any great leader, leading from behind!

Had it gone on for another turn, Goliath reinforcements would have turned up and their Ogryn, who had spent most of the fight running under the factory to attack from the rear, would have totally wrecked us. Ah well, too slow!


  1. Very cool indeed mate! What did you take on your roster? My Scavvy blokes are gonna be Chaos Cultists (when I pull my finger out and paint those bad mofos).

    1. Hi mate. This was the list:

      There were a few changes between rounds, but that was basically it. My takeaway was heavy bolters are the nuts - the cargo servitor was worth every penny - and autoguns are very decent. Big fan of flails and nades too. Lots of opportunity for flails and autoguns with your cultists!
